From Inside Wall Street..."a free service for investors seeking information and ideas not readily available from most brokerages or research services on some of today's hottest growth stocks"
*Long* list of economic data including futures prices, interest rates, exchange rates, bond sales etc. Look hard enough and you may even find that missing kitchen sink ;)
"The Pacific Exchange (PCX) is a marketplace where individual and institutional investors, professional broker-dealers, and registered member firms meet to buy and sell more than 2,600 stocks, bonds and other securities issued by publicly traded companies, as well as options on more than 550 stocks"
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. "The Nasdaq Stock Market lists over 5,120 domestic and foreign companies, more companies than any other stock market in the world"
"The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) trades more than 2,800 stocks, 740 equity options, 12 sector index options, and 100 currency pairs. On the equity floor, PHLX's PACE (Philadelphia Automated Communication and Execution) system was one of the first automated equity trading systems on any exchange"
The New York Mercantile Exchange. "Each day, billions of dollars worth of energy products, precious metals,and other commodities are bought and sold on the trading floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange"
"The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is an international marketplace enabling institutions and businesses to manage their financial
risks and allocate their assets. On its trading floors, buyers and sellers meet to trade futures contracts and options on futures through the process of open outcry"
The "Market Monitor" page from Inside Wall Street... Inside Wall Street is a free public service provided by
Continental Capital & Equity Corporation, a full-service, investor relations firm Street Research Net... Good source of links to news reports, charts and graphs, and sec filings... Also includes a Lycos search for company links.. Be prepared to be asked an occasionalpolling question about the economy. After all, it is a RESEARCH site :)